The Hidden Palace
Those seeking to illuminate the dark corners of the world often finding themselves seeking out the wares of the renowned tallow chandler Tifawt.
Shop Location and Description
The Hidden Palace is hidden magically by a Mirage Arcana spell. Finding it requires either magical investigation or an invitation to the exclusive Sashwearer’s Guild.
The Hidden Palace itself is a villa-sized marble structure that affords a striking (if one-sided) view of Chandegar. It features a fountain of wine, a harem of exotic slaves, and a gemstone candelabra enchanted with flickering golden flames. Men in peculiar masks, most fashioned in the likeness of monsters and forgotten gods, wander about in small, hushed groups, rivals even amid their secrecy. A large central hall serves as a voting hall for business matters that affect the whole of Chandegar.
Shop Owner and Description
The Lord of the Hidden Palace is an illusionist of unknown skill and identity. He never identifies himself to his peers, yet his presence is felt by all, for new spells and unusual entertainments are found at every gathering of the Sashwearers. No fewer than five Sashwearers currently claim to be the true Lord of the Hidden Palace, and a fair number suspect that a demon of the Fifteen Winds maintains the lair, feasting on their sinful indulgences. The truth remains unknown.
Known Allies and Enemies
Bondsworn Mamet: Several Sashwearers are also members of Bondsworn Mamet, granting them minority influence over them.
- Hephistos the Perfect, 7th Wind of the Sirocco: Hephistos may not be a Sashwearer, but this demon patron of artisans occasionally invites himself to their gatherings. He has been known to buy and sell rare items of exquisite beauty.
Bondsworn Mamet: Bondsworn Mamet is often at odds with the Sashwearers and does not always approve of their market schemes.
The First Stones: The Sashwearers do not stand to profit from the liberation politics of the First Stones and have blocked several laws that would grant more freedom to the dwarves of Chandegar.
Potential Use in Game
If a character profits within the often sinister politics of Chandegar, they may be invited to the Hidden Palace to join the Sashwearers and participate directly in their corrupt mercantilism.
- The Hidden Palace is legendary among the thieves of Chandegar. Not only would a heist of the Sashwearer’s guildhouse make one stinking rich, it would also secure a position among the most famous (and most hunted) outlaws in the city’s history.
Shop List
Service | Price | 80 Dwarves | 5,000 gp |
Investiture in Bondsworn Mamet | 1,000 gp |
Prefectiture of Innskittering | 10,000 gp |
Price Fix | 30,000 gp |
Seat on the Counsel of Merchants and Artisans | 40,000 gp |
Scarlet Tear Assassination Contract, minor | 5,000 gp |
Scarlet Tear Assassination Contract, major | 50,000 gp |
Temple of the Seven Heights | 400,000 gp |
Votes, minor (max 27) | 1,000 gp each |
Votes, major (max 27) | 10,000 gp each |
The Hidden Palace is a place for the fabulously wealthy to broker deals that can change the fate of nations. With prices ranging from the thousands to the millions, money does not actually change hands at the Hidden Palace, and the values listed below should be used more as guidelines for arranging a trade of services or magic.
80 Dwarves
The dungeons of Chandegar currently hold 80 radical members of the First Stones who have been arrested for terrorism, loitering, disturbance of the peace, and loitering. An obscure Avitian law allows these prisoners to be bought as house dwarves, and a few choice bribes will bypass any interference from the tribunal.
Chaos Emerald
This magic gem was a gift from Balistratos the Underdemon on behalf of the Fifteen Winds in exchange for a certain favor.
Investiture in Bondsworn Mamet
Magic Items | Price | Weight | Chaos Emerald | 25,000 gp | 1 lb. |
Ring of Wizardry | 20,000 gp | — |
Sacred Scroll of the Ahlanni/td> | 9,000 gp | 1 lbs |
If a man of means desires to become Bondsworn solely by virtue of his coin, Mamet has made such arrangements before. Investiture is a valuable and unique political rank that affords many rights and diplomatic immunities.
Prefectiture of Innskittering
Previously declared a toxic asset due to disease and witchcraft, the Prefectiture of Innskittering has been an empty title for decades. The position grants rights of taxation and recruitment over the village, with 3% of all taxes going directly to the Prefect.
Price Fix
This is the standard amount of coin needed to artificially halve or double the cost of a specific good such as iron, lumber, or textiles.
Ring of Wizardry
This Ring of Wizardry I is heretical to the Culling and thus difficult to use in public, but its current owner insists upon its market value despite this complication.
Sacred Scroll of the Ahlanni
This magic item fell into Sashwearer hands through a happy accident and is now passed around like an expensive coin during trades. The idea of actually using the scroll or of returning it to the Ahlanni is an amusing joke among the Sashwearers. The scroll itself contains three 8th level divine spells: Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Holy Aura, and Earthquake.
Scarlet Tear Assassination Contract
The Sashwearers have an arrangement with the Scarlet Tears, a guild of assassins that operates out of Chandegar. Minor contracts include local merchants, priests, lawspeakers, and minor officials, while major contracts target distant targets, major officials, and prominent Bondsworn. The Scarlet Tears have been known to refuse contracts that are beyond their abilities, albeit rarely.
Seat on the Council of Merchants and Artisans
The ability to vote at council guarantees a steady supply of bribes to the Sashwearers, but new members diminish the power of all current members, hence the need for such a stately sum.
Temple of the Seven Heights
The Temple of the Seven Heights is dramatically in debt. Purchasing all these debts from various Sashwearers would grant one virtual ownership of this famed religious site to do with as one pleased.
Twenty-seven Sashwearers vote on the council of merchants and artisans. Perhaps the most common exchange at the Hidden Palace