Tifawt the Torchbearer
Those seeking to illuminate the dark corners of the world often finding themselves seeking out the wares of the renowned tallow chandler Tifawt.
Shop Location and Description
While Tifawt spends most of his time in his tiny but well lit shop in the Upper Chandegar Markets, he will from time to time be found in the Night Market.
When selling his more "euphoric" candles and light oils at the Night Market, Tifawt's stall is merely what he can fit upon a threadbare 6 foot by 4 foot rug which he drags down to to dockside. Once the appropriate bribes have been paid and gods have been prayed to, the rug quickly is filled with dozens of candles ranging to tiny tealights to pillars nearly 2 feet tall. Small translucent jars filled with colorful oils are crammed into tight rows according to their uses.
Here Tifawt wears a silvered mask made of stiffen linen that portrays an androgynous and emotionless face. He is known as "the Dreamer in Silver" by those who frequent the Night Market. Though Tifawt only takes part in the Night Market four or five times a year, he always sells out of his goods; aficionados of the "Silver Dreams" excitedly purchase all they can from him as they know his appearances are rare.
Shop Owner and Description
XP 1,200
Male human expert 6
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +2
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (–1 Dex)
HP 27 (6d8)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +9
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +3 (1d4–1/19–20)
During Combat Tifawat will defend himself and his wares should they become threatened. He will then defend himself with with his dagger. In regards to the theft of his goods, if an attempt to intimidate the would be thieves fails, he would rather call for others to come to his aid than fight.
Morale While Tifwt will defend himself, he is not a hardened combatant and will quickly place himself upon the mercy of his attackers. Should it become clear that his life is in danger, he will try to escape from his enemies grasp, but will fight if there is no other choice.
Str 8 -1, Dex 12 +1, Con 10, Int 15 +2, Wis 14 +2, Cha 13 +1
Base Atk +4; CMB +3; CMD 12
Feats: Keen Scent, Iron Will, Master Craftsman
Renown Bonus: +2
Skills Appraise [6] +11, Craft (Lanterns) [6] +11, Diplomacy [3] +1, Disguise [4] +8, Intimidate [1] +2, Knowledge (Local) [3] +8, Knowledge (Nature) [6] +11, Knowledge (Religion) [6] +11, Profession (Chandler) [6] +11, Profession (Merchant) [4] +9, Ride [1]+1, Sense Motive [2] +7
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds; Other Gear dagger, he usually carries no more than 75 gp on him)
Tifawt is a native Chandegari in his early 40s. He is fairy hirsute and keeps his close-trimmed beard well oiled.
Tifawt has not escaped the dangers of chandlery. Seed sized scars pockmark his hands and lower arms from the occasional splatter of extra-hot wax during his earlier days as a candle-maker. there are always a few larger patches where the thick dark hair covering his forearms and the back of his has has been removed. What appears to a cursory glance to be freckles and moles upon closer inspection reveal themselves to be small splatters of dyes used to color the oil wax and tallow of his trade.
As the fifth generation chandler, Tifawt's entire life has been guided towards the crafting and selling of fine candle. He is now the holder of his family's secret knowledge of blending lard, tallow, waxes, oils and dyes to create fine candles worthy of being used in high religious rites or affairs of state. His skill at mixing and pouring candles, along with carving, setting, and scent them is so great that it is rumored that some of his wares can produce magical effects.
Tifawt's main love, however, is metalworking. Were it not for the needs of his family for him to carry on the chandler's trade, he would have liked to have learned the ways of the blacksmiths forge. He is content enough, however, to work when he can making ornate lanterns and candlesticks
Tifawt is apolitical and quickly becomes bored with discussions concerning the Avitian Empire. He is slightly sympathetic towards the First Stones and their goals of ending the servitude of the "Avitian Dwarves". He will not place himself in harm's way to aid the First Stones, but he will, if plied with enough beer, admit the dwarves have the right of it.
Tifawt has shortened the local affectation of saying "sahke" at the end of many spoken sentences to just saying "sah". While not rude, this change does introduce a distance between the speaker and the spoken which which the word "sahke" reduces. It is akin to referring to someone as "friend" as opposed to "my friend".
Known Allies and Enemies
- Wayfarer's Guild - Tifawt is the main source of candles and scented flammable oils used in many of the Wayfarer's Guild Rites of Peregrination Mysteries and the Cardinal Attenuation Ceremony held for the advancement of Wayfarer Guild Initiates.
Potential Use in Game
- If the PCs are getting ready to climb down into the undercity of Chandegar, Tifawt might be a fine NPC to use to help supply them.
- While wondering the Night Market, the PCs might find themselves succumbing to the intoxicating scents emanating from Tifawt's candles. Pickpockets sometimes keep an eye out for those who are overly affected by the fumes and seem to sneak some coin or items off the unluckly soul.
Shop List
Item | Price | Weight | Additive, Healing Numbness | +50 gp | —. |
Candle | 1 cp | — |
Candle, helmet | 2 gp | 4 lbs |
Candle lamp | 5 gp | 1 lb. |
Candlestick | 1 cp | 1/2 lb. |
Lamp | 1 sp | 1 lb. |
Lamp, celestial | 300 gp | 2 lbs. |
Lantern, bullseye | 12 gp | 3 lbs. |
Lantern, darklight | 20 gp | 3 lbs. |
Lantern, hooded | 7 gp | 2 lbs. |
Lantern, miner's | 15 gp | 2 lbs. |
Lantern, waterproof | +5 gp | — |
Moonrod | 10 gp | 1 lb. |
Sunrod | 2 gp | 1 lb. |
Thurible | 50 gp | 3 lbs. |
Torch | 1 cp | 1 lb. |
Torch, everburning | 110 gp | 1 lb. |
ADDITIVE, HEALING NUMBNESS (Price + 50 gp; Weight —)
Scent ranges: Candle 3 ft.; Lantern Oil 5 ft.; Torch 10 ft.
This scent can be added to any candle, lantern oil, or torch for a fee. This essential oil is made from the precise combination of the oils of three plants: Calasinian Poppy, Skullcap, and cloves. The spicy odor is used by healers to speed along the time required for their patients to heal. By numbing the body and mind, minor injures heal much faster, though patients under the influence of this scent are more easily influenced by those around them.
This scent changes 2d6 points of leathal damage into nonleathal damage; however, they are recieve a -2 penalty to all Will saves attempted for the following 24 hours. This additive can affect one person if used in a candle, 2 people if used in lantern oil, and 3 people if a torch is used to spread the scent.
As with all additive scents, a character can only be affectedby the first scent they encounter in a 24 hour period. Additionally only one scent mad be added to a luminary source. If multiple scents are added, the blending of the scent renders all scents ineffective.
CANDLE (Price 1 cp; Weight —)
A candle dimly illuminates a small area, increasing the light level in a 5-foot radius by one step (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A candle cannot increase the light level above normal light. A candle burns for 1 hour.
CANDLE, HELMET (Price 2 gp; Weight 4 lbs.)
This device consists of a helmet with a short, thin spike on top upon which a candle is stuck, freeing your hands for other tasks.
CANDLE LAMP (Price 5 gp; Weight 1 lb.)
A candle lamp is a small lantern-like device with glass panels and a slot to hold a candle. It protects the candle from drafts and catches wax drippings. It provides the same light as a candle, but can be shuttered such that it only illuminates 1 to 3 adjacent squares. You can use a candle lamp to keep your hands warm.
CANDLESTICK (Price 1 cp; Weight 1/2 lb.)
This saucer-like object has a flat bottom, a handle, and a spike on top. You can affix a candle onto the spike (up to 3 inches in diameter) and hold the candlestick by the handle. The flat bottom means you're able to set it down and not worry about the candle falling over and extinguishing itself. A typical candlestick is crafted from baked clay or a cheap metal such as copper, but elaborate and expensive ones exist.
LAMP (Price 1 sp; Weight 1 lb.)
A common lamp illuminates a small area, providing normal light in a 15-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 15 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A lamp does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lamp burns for 6 hours on 1 pint of oil. You can carry a lamp in one hand.
LAMP, CELESTIAL (Price 300 gp; Weight 2 lb.)
This polished lantern contains a continual flame and sheds light as a common lamp. If its font of consecrated crystal and metalwork is filled with holy water, the lamp's light is sanctified for 24 hours, adding a +1 bonus to the save DC of channeled positive energy or energy channeled to harm evil outsiders within a 30-foot radius.
LANTERN, BULLSEYE (Price 12 gp; Weight 3 lbs.)
A bullseye lantern provides normal light in a 60-foot cone and increases the light level by one step in the area beyond that, out to a 120-foot cone (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A bullseye lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lantern burns for 6 hours on 1 pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand.
LANTERN, DARKLIGHT (Price 20 gp; Weight 3 lb.)
This lantern does not burn oil, but instead burns shadowcloy. When shadowcloy is used as its fuel, this lantern creates a strange, hazy darkness that decreases the light level for 30 feet around it by one step. Unlike when shadowcloy is thrown at a single target, this haze does not decrease natural darkness to supernatural darkness. One flask of shadowcloy fuels a darklight lantern for 1 minute.
LANTERN, HOODED (Price 7 gp; Weight 2 lbs.)
A hooded lantern sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 30 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A hooded lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lantern burns for 6 hours on 1 pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand.
LANTERN, MINER'S (Price 15 gp; Weight 2 lb.)
A smaller version of the bullseye lantern, a miner's lantern provides normal light in a 30- foot cone and increases the light level by one step in the area beyond that, out to a 60-foot cone (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A miner's lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. It burns for 6 hours on 1 pint of oil. A miner's lantern comes with straps for attachment to a helmet or other piece of sturdy headgear, but it can also be carried in one hand.
LANTERN, WATERPROOF (Price +5 gp; Weight —)
Meant to shelter its flame from both water and wind, this lantern treats severe winds as strong winds, windstorms as severe winds, and hurricanes as windstorms for the purpose of determining whether they extinguish its flame. It holds enough air to burn underwater for 5 rounds before going dark.
MOONROD (Price 10 gp; Weight 1 lb.)
This 1-foot-long, silver-tipped tin rod glows dimly when struck as a standard action. It sheds dim light in a 30-foot radius. However, the light given off by a moonrod is particularly easily to perceive for creatures with low-light vision. For such creatures, a moonrod increases the light level by one step (to a maximum of normal) for a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the silver tip is burned out and worthless.
SUNROD (Price 2 gp; Weight 1 lb.)
This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck as a standard action. It sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 30 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A sunrod does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
THURIBLE (Price 50 gp; Weight 3 lb.)
When filled with coal and common herbs worth 2 sp, this miniature brazier fills an area 30 feet in diameter with light smoke for 1 hour. Any creature in the area of this smoke gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves to resist inhaled diseases.
TORCH (Price 1 cp; Weight 1 lb.)
A torch burns for 1 hour, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 20 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A torch does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. If a torch is used in combat, treat it as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a gauntlet of its size, plus 1 point of fire damage.
TORCH, EVERBURNING (Price 110 gp; Weight 1 lb.)
This otherwise normal torch has a continual flame spell cast on it. This causes it to shed light like an ordinary torch, but it does not emit heat or deal fire damage if used as a weapon.