This week in the Crucible we present an NPC for perusal. The Imperiums Campaign Setting is set in a land on the verge of massive war, and the soldiers of the Avitian Legions comprise one of the most powerful military forces seen on Aeliode. A military of such scale is comprised of many types of people, least of which is the Triarius.
The Triarius (plural: Triarii), are unique due to their long-time role in the Avitian legions. While this NPC is one of the most honored among the Avitian ranks, they are still a warrior class with no levels in fighter. Indeed, due to their age, their CR is even lower than their standard class levels would suggest. While many soldiers are in their prime, a feature of the Imperiums Campaign Setting is that not every enemy needs to be. And the Triarius is a great example of this.
I hope you enjoy this NPC and look forward to more of your comments. Feel free to comment below or continue to email us your thoughts at
Note: Because the penalties of old age are a significant handicap for melee combatants, this NPC has a -1 CR adjustment.
Note: Because he lacks standard NPC wealth for his level, this NPC has a -1 CR adjustment.
Triarius (CR 6)
XP 2,400
Warrior 10
N Medium humanoid (human) (old)
Init -1; Senses Perception +1
AC 19 [21], touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+8 armor, +2 shield, -1 dex)
HP 45 (10d8)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Shortsword +13/+8 (1d6+2/17-20)
During Combat Triarii advance in tight formation to meet threats. They retreat if ordered but will otherwise fight to the death.
Str 14, Dex 9, Con 8, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +10; CMB +12; CMD 21 [23]
Feats Toughness, Shield Wall, Coordinated Defense, Iron Will, Improved Iron Will, Improved Critical [Shortsword]
Skills Profession [Soldier]+14, Intimidate+13
Languages Avitian Standard
Gear masterwork shortsword, half plate, heavy steel shield
Triarii are the most seasoned soldiers in a standard Avitian army, promoted from the ranks of the hastati. They are wealthy, older men who make up the third line of a typical Avitian formation. Though diminished physically by their advancing years, their experience and discipline makes them a force to be reckoned with. In most battles, the triarii do not even see combat, but when it “comes down to the trarii,” the battle is known as close. Triarii are sometimes deployed against unique threats, as their iron will makes them the only troop that can reliably face the outsiders and dragons that sometimes appear among the enemies of the empire.
Triarii cannot be trained--they appear naturally from the ranks of the principe and are recruited by their peers. In times of peace, they live almost as nobles do on their handsome stipend of 10 gp/day. In times of war, they are entitled to a share of the spoils regardless of whether or not they participated in the battle, so triarii are always eager to march out with the rest of the troops.
Unlike other soldiers, triarii may retire with full honors whenever they wish. Fromer triarii can be found as senators, tribunes, advisors, bodyguards, or merchants. Hiring a triarii usually requires a 500 gp bribe, a DC 20 Diplomacy check, and 10 gp/day.